Solidigm is a world-leading provider of storage products and solutions, dedicated to delivering innovative technologies that meet the high-performance and high-reliability storage needs of data centers and clients. Continuously pushing the boundaries of data storage, Solidigm is pioneering a new paradigm in solid-state storage. With innovation at its core, the company offers an unparalleled data storage experience for its customers.
倪锦峰Solidigm 亚太区销售副总裁
演讲主题:高效存储 拥抱AI
讲师介绍:倪锦峰先生现任Solidigm亚太区销售副总裁,负责公司在亚太地区的销售策略、业务拓展及营收增长等工作。 倪锦峰先生一直致力于推动闪存技术的应用拓展。担任现职之前,倪锦峰先生曾任Solidigm亚太区销售总监,负责固态硬盘产品的市场营销、业务开发和生态系统拓展等工作。在加入Solidigm之前,倪锦峰先生在英特尔工作了17年,他曾先后负责英特尔公司闪存产品的开发、生产,以及固态硬盘产品的研发、应用及销售等工作。 倪锦峰先生拥有复旦大学材料科学硕士学位。