上海复旦微电子集团股份有限公司 ("复旦微电",上交所科创板:688385.SH;"上海复旦",港交所股份代码:01385.HK) 是国内从事超大规模集成电路的设计、开发、生产 (测试) 和提供系统解决方案的专业公司。公司于1998年7月创办,并于2000年在香港上市,2014年转香港主板,是国内成立最早、首家上市的股份制集成电路设计企业。2021年登陆上交所科创板,形成“A+H”资本格局。
Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Group Co., Ltd. (FMSH) is a domestic leading company specializing in the design, development, production (testing), and system solution provision of super-large-scale integration. Founded in July 1998, FMSH was listed in Hong Kong in 2000 (stock code: 01385.HK), and transferred to the Main Board of Hong Kong in 2014. FMSH is the earliest and first listed joint-stock IC design company in China. In 2021, FMSH is listed on the SSE STAR Market and forms into the capital structure of “A+H”.