深圳市铨兴科技有限公司是集研发、生产、销售为一体的半导体存储产品解决方案商,提供从芯片封装、测试、产品研发、生产到全球出货的一站式服务,同时也是国内鲜有能涵盖DRAM和NAND Flash两⼤领域的高新技术企业。产品和服务包括存储芯片封测服务、DRAM内存模组、SSD固态硬盘、数码存储卡、U盘及客制化服务等。 Shenzhen Quanxing Technology Co., Ltd. is a semiconductor storage product solution provider integrating research and development, production and sales, providing one-stop service from chip packaging, testing, product development, production to global shipping. At the same time, it is also a rare domestic high-tech enterprise that can cover DRAM and NAND Flash two major fields. Products and services include memory chip closed test services, DRAM memory modules, SSD solid state drives, digital memory cards, USB flash drives and customized services. http://www.quanxingtech.cn/
深圳市德明利技术股份有限公司(股票代码:001309)成立于2008年11月,国家高新技术企业,国家半导体协会设计分会理事单位,深圳半导体协会会员。专业从事集成电路设计、研发及产业化应用。主营业务集中于芯片设计、研发,模组产品应用方案的开发、优化,以及模组产品的销售。 UDStore品牌,核心团队由一群来自具备存储领域多年经验的产业专家及技术骨干所组成。整合两岸三地存储技术、产品开发、资金及供应链优势专注经营行业用存储市场。 Shenzhen Quanxing Technology Co., Ltd. is a semiconductor storage product solution provider integrating research and development, production and sales, providing one-stop service from chip packaging, testing, product development, production to global shipping. At the same time, it is also a rare domestic high-tech enterprise that can cover DRAM and NAND Flash two major fields. Products and services include memory chip closed test services, DRAM memory modules, SSD solid state drives, digital memory cards, USB flash drives and customized services. http://www.twsc.com.cn/
深圳市时创意电子有限公司 (简称SCY) 成立于2008年,是一家存储芯片领域具备芯片设计、软固件研发、封装测试、制造及应用于一体的国家级高新技术企业和国家工信部“专精特新”小巨人企业。总部坐落深圳宝安,拥有时创意 (存储芯片封装) 和数钛芯 (存储模组制造) 两座先进工厂,并在深圳南山、上海长宁、中国台湾设立全球营销和研发中心,在中国香港设立全球物流中心,形成了从存储芯片研发、封装测试、模组制造的全产业链战略布局。 Shenzhen Shichuangyi Electronics Co., Ltd (SCY) was founded in 2008. It is a national high-tech enterprise with chip design, software and firmware development, packaging test, manufacturing and application in the field of memory chip. The company has the world's leading chip packaging, testing and modern module factory, forming a complete supply chain ecosystem. Its products and business cover SSD solid state disk, DRAM module, eMMC/LPDDR, OEM and ODM of portable storage products, providing one-stop storage solutions and customized services to world-famous semiconductor enterprises. https://www.shichuangyi.com/
大普微电子(DapuStor)成立于2016年,国家级高新技术企业与“专精特新小巨人”企业,以推动中国"存算一体"与"智能存储"产业发展为己任。作为国际领先的企业级SSD主控芯片设计、SSD产品及存储方案提供商,大普微拥有一流的研发实力,超过380名团队成员,已申请或授权的国内外发明专利超过300项,具备从芯片设计到存储产品量产交付的全栈能力。基于自研DP系列主控芯片及固件,公司产品广泛用于国内外云计算、互联网、电信运营商及金融等行业数据中心。 DapuStor Corporation (DapuStor), founded in April 2016, is a leading expert in high-end enterprise solid-state drives (SSD), SOC, and edge computing-related products. With world-class R&D strength and over 380 team members, it has comprehensive capabilities from chip design and product development to mass production. Its products have been widely used in servers, telecom operators and data centers. https://www.dapustor.com/
深圳康盈半导体科技有限公司是康佳集团半导体产业重要组成部分。 公司专注于嵌入式存储芯片、模组、移动存储等产品的研发、设计和销售。 主要产品涵盖eMMC、eMCP、ePOP、nMCP、UFS、Low Power DDR、DDR、SSD、pSSD等。广泛应用于智能终端、智能穿戴、智能家居、人机交互、物联网、工业控制、智慧医疗、车载电子等领域。 KOWIN Technology is an important part of KONKA Group semiconductor industry. The company focuses on the research and development, design and sales of embedded memory chips, modules, mobile storage and other products. The main products include eMMC, eMCP, ePOP, nMCP, UFS, Low Power DDR, DDR, SSD, pSSD, etc. Products are widely used in intelligent terminal, intelligent wearable, intelligent home, human-computer interaction, IoTs, industrial control, intelligent medical, vehicle electronics, etc. https://www.kowin.com.cn/
西安紫光国芯隶属紫光集团,是以DRAM技术为核心的产品和服务提供商。作为以科技创新为驱动的综合性集成电路设计企业,核心业务涵盖标准存储芯片,模组和系统产品,嵌入式DRAM和存储控制芯片,以及专用集成电路设计开发服务。公司是国家高新技术企业、国家企业技术中心、国家知识产权优势企业,并承担多个国家级重大研发专项。 KOWIN Technology is an important part of KONKA Group semiconductor industry. The company focuses on the research and development, design and sales of embedded memory chips, modules, mobile storage and other products. The main products include eMMC, eMCP, ePOP, nMCP, UFS, Low Power DDR, DDR, SSD, pSSD, etc. Products are widely used in intelligent terminal, intelligent wearable, intelligent home, human-computer interaction, IoTs, industrial control, intelligent medical, vehicle electronics, etc. https://www.unisemicon.com/
上海复旦微电子集团股份有限公司 ("复旦微电",上交所科创板:688385.SH;"上海复旦",港交所股份代码:01385.HK) 是国内从事超大规模集成电路的设计、开发、生产 (测试) 和提供系统解决方案的专业公司。公司于1998年7月创办,并于2000年在香港上市,2014年转香港主板,是国内成立最早、首家上市的股份制集成电路设计企业。2021年登陆上交所科创板,形成“A+H”资本格局。 Shanghai Fudan Microelectronics Group Co., Ltd. (FMSH) is a domestic leading company specializing in the design, development, production (testing), and system solution provision of super-large-scale integration. Founded in July 1998, FMSH was listed in Hong Kong in 2000 (stock code: 01385.HK), and transferred to the Main Board of Hong Kong in 2014. FMSH is the earliest and first listed joint-stock IC design company in China. In 2021, FMSH is listed on the SSE STAR Market and forms into the capital structure of “A+H”. https://www.fmsh.com/
苏州欧康诺电子科技股份有限公司成立于2005年,位于风景秀美、历史悠久的苏州。国家高新技术企业,工信部信创工委会技术活动单位。 公司专业从事半导体存储器测试系统的研发、生产和服务,应用于半导体存储器的研发、生产、品质等产品全流程测试,为国内存储器产业链的各个头部企业提供高端测试设备及服务,并参与主导多个行业标准的制定。 Founded in 2005, Suzhou OKN Technology is an innovative, high growth, leaping development of high-tech enterprises. The company mainly provides customers with intelligent manufacturing overall solutions: intelligent test system, intelligent warehousing system, intelligent equipment, automatic production line. Products are widely used in semiconductor, automotive, new energy, warehousing and logistics industries. The company is determined to become a leader in multiple market segments and contribute "Chinese wisdom" to global intelligent manufacturing. https://www.cnokn.com.cn/
皇虎测试科技有限公司成立于1987年,成立三十多年来始终专注于DRAM内存测试领域,是全球著名的内存测试设备制造商,测试方案供应商,同时也提供存储器测试及高度可靠应用方面的顾问服务。公司分布加拿大、美国、香港、深圳,客户遍布全球各大内存芯片原厂、内存条生产厂商、服务器及高端系统厂商。全球员工华人占比90%以上,是一支掌握全套内存测试核心技术的华人团队。 KingTiger Technology was founded in 1987 and has been focusing on the field of DRAM memory testing for 30+ years. It is a world-renowned manufacturer of memory test equipment and a supplier of test solutions. It also provides consulting services in memory testing and highly reliable applications. The company is located in Canada, the United States, Hong Kong, and Shenzhen, and has customers all over the world from major memory chip manufacturers, memory stick manufacturers, servers, and high-end system manufacturers. http://www.kingtigertesting.com/
铠侠是全球存储器解决方案领导者,致力于开发、生产和销售闪存及SSD。东芝公司于1987年发明了NAND闪存, 2017年4月,铠侠前身东芝存储器集团从东芝公司剥离,开创了先进的存储解决方案和服务,可丰富人们的生活并扩大社会的视野。其零售产品覆盖存储卡、闪存盘及固态硬盘等各类闪存产品,旨在让终端用户可随时随地存储其数字生活。 Kioxia is a global leader in memory solutions, dedicated to the development, production and sales of NAND Flash and SSD. Toshiba invented NAND Flash in 1987. In April 2017, Kioxia's predecessor, Toshiba Memory Group, was spun off from Toshiba, creating advanced storage solutions and services that enrich people's lives and society's horizons. Kioxia's innovative 3D NAND Flash technology, BiCS FLASH™, is shaping the future storage methods for many high-density applications, including smartphones, PCs, SSDs, automobiles and data centers. https://www.kioxia.com.cn/zh-cn/top.html
北京得瑞领新科技有限公司是一家技术导向的产品研发企业,其致力于发展计算架构中的底层存储核心技术—半导体存储。DERA紧跟国际技术趋势,立足于自研核心IP和主控芯片,在遵循主流存储协议的前提下充分发挥性能潜力,提供可与Tier1级别供应商产品媲美的高品质产品。现阶段主要产品是遵循NVMe标准协议企业级SSD控制器、Turn-key方案及企业级SSD成品。在武汉东湖高新区、上海长宁区和深圳南山区均设有研发及技术支持机构。 DERA Co., Ltd. is a technology-oriented product research and development company dedicated to the development of the underlying storage core technology in the computing architecture - semiconductor storage. The main products of DERA are enterprise SSD controllers, Turn-key solutions and enterprise SSDs that follow the NVMe standard protocol. The company establishes R&D and technical support institutions in Wuhan East Lake High-tech Zone and Shanghai Changning District. https://www.derastorage.com/